52. As I sit here typing this out I count 52 company logos staring me in the face. My laptop, smart phone, TV, logo on my steel water bottle, Blu-Ray player and the stack of old Blu-Rays I still love to watch (better quality than streaming...), my super comfy shoes, my watch...the list continues to 52 and beyond. But the part that really made me curious was that I almost never notice them.
Right now you're probably surrounded by almost as many brand logos whether you’re in the subway, in your living room, office, even the airport. There are several lines of research claiming that the average American is exposed to anywhere from 3000 to 30,000 brand impressions EVERY SINGLE DAY. So...as a businesses owner the real question is...What are you doing to help your brand stand out?
To be clear, I’m not talking strictly about advertising (yes you need it, but that’s for another time). With so many brand impressions, messages, ideas, ads, and competition surrounding your potential customer, how can you even hope to have a chance of standing out? The best approach starts from within. Focus on serving the absolute best, honest, and most incredible customer experience for your customers. What does that look like? Will your employees be able to back that up? Can you make a similar promise to your employees as well? More than a slogan or a catchy marketing phrase this is the brand promise that you and your company can deliver every single day and to every single real person that encounters your business, from employees to customers.
Yes, a real brand promise is important to both groups. Evenly and never faltering. If your employees don't understand or even care about a brand promise then they will breed very unhappy customers. Both will spread a negative message faster than you can waste money buying happy and positive ads or even more places to place a slick new logo.
What is the brand promise that you want your organization to be known for every day? What does a mind blowing customer experience like? What can you do to build a culture that can back up your brand promise from within? Share your thoughts in the comments below or drop me an email to discuss. These are the things we look at when working with our clients to make sure that they are more than just another logo in a sea of competitors.